Meine rückwärtsgelesene Heimatstadt ist eher was für irische Musiker. :)
And, apart from that, I guess, there's quite a big bunch of people running around in this world, proving the inability or the unwillingness to reverse every single word spoken by foreign ladies ordering a coke in an Irish pub, just to make sure that there is no sublime double meaning within the words spoken, isn't there?
jetzt hast du mich aber neugierig gemacht. wo bist du nochmal geboren? ich dachte, es sei irgendwo in ostfriesland! und mir fällt spontan kein ort ein, der sich auf irisch/englisch gut rückwärts lesen lässt... außer REEL (wie in jigs and reels). stimmt's, oder hab' ich recht?
And, apart from that, I guess, there's quite a big bunch of people running around in this world, proving the inability or the unwillingness to reverse every single word spoken by foreign ladies ordering a coke in an Irish pub, just to make sure that there is no sublime double meaning within the words spoken, isn't there?